How do I sign up?

You should have received a personalised email invite from MTA Conference ( Please use the link in this email to sign up. We ask you not to share links as the link is personal to you and allows you to return to your registration to update information at a later date. 

I haven't booked accommodation or flights yet - can I register?

Definitely! Register using the personalised email invite from MTA Conference. You will receive a confirmation email that contains a link back to your registration and you can update your flight and accommodation details when you have them.

What is the dress code?

It is Fiji so the dress code is casual during the day. After Friday's plenary session you won't have time to return to your room so you'll need to have your items with you for the day. No swimwear during the plenary sessions please.

Friday Welcome Drinks and Dinner dress code is: Island Vibes. Wear your resort wear or your tropical island shirt. We want you to have fun but keep in mind we will have VIP guests in attendance.

Saturday Gala dinner dress code: Dress to impress (semi-formal). Cocktail dresses, light weight trousers and shirt (no ties not needed). No thongs at the Gala Dinner. 

How will the supplier showcase work?

We wouldn't be able to put on these events without the support of our valued supplier sponsors. It's important they get value for their money by attending our conference. 

This year our new event technology allows us to set up one to one meetings. Once our sponsors are confirmed we'll send out details of how you can request meetings. You will have 30 x 5 minute slots with suppliers of your choice. Followed by a half hour free flow meetings to catch up with any additional suppliers you didn't get to meet with. 

Please support us in making sure our suppliers feel valued. All attendees will be expected to book in for 30 x 5 minute meetings. Look out for your email sent 13/3/2024 inviting you to select your preferences for your meetings. If you can't find the email please email - please don't share links otherwise you'll be selecting someone else's meetings. 

Can I bring my partner or a guest to the conference?

The conference is for MTA Advisors and Head Office only - suppliers are paying to attend and we need to provide them the platform to network with the relevant people (people who will be selling their product). 

You may bring a partner or guest to the Sunset Soiree (Welcome Drinks and Dinner) on Fri 31 May and /or the Gala Dinner on Sat 01 Jun - the cost of the ticket for each event is AUD$250 per person which includes one hour of pre-dinner drinks, a three course dinner with drinks and the opportunity to enjoy the entertainment. 

How do I purchase a ticket for my partner for the Welcome Dinner or the Gala Dinner?

During the registration process (see your emails for your personalised invite) you'll be asked if you'd like to buy a ticket for a guest. If you select yes, you will need to pay for the ticket before you're able to check out. If you're not sure or don't want to pay immediately you can come back to your registration later and add it by clicking on the link in your confirmation email. 

Why is there an Early Bird registration rate and a standard registration rate?

We're pleased to say that with the help of our sponsors the Early Bird registration fee (available until 31 Jan 2024) is free to all advisors and approved persons. Being overseas and peak season, we need to make sure we've got the right size venues, boats, number of rooms all confirmed well in advance

The standard registration fee will apply from 01 Feb 2024 and will be $250 per person.

How do I know if I can access the free transfers?

MTA are happy to offer free transfers between Nadi Airport and the Sheraton or Sofitel on the main conference dates.
Arrival: Tue 28 May; Wed 29 May, Thu 30 May 

Departure: Sat 01 Jun (for conference speakers only), Sun 02 Jun; Mon 03 Jun

For any other arrival or departure dates or hotels you'll need to make your own arrangements. 

TEWAKA can be contacted to organise private transfers.

How do I join the transfers on arrival? 

Upon clearing customs in Nadi, enter the arrivals concourse, pass the info desk and look out for the TEWAKA team who will be holding an MTA Conference sign. You can ask the information desk to direct you to Tewaka if you can't see them. 

Tewaka also have an office in the arrivals area of Nadi Airport - they are the last office on the right-hand side as you walk towards the loading zone. 

If you loaded your flight details prior to the deadline of 12 Apr 24 your name will be on the manifest for a transfer.  If your flight details were not loaded in our events system by this date you can go 'standby' for a transfer if there is space, alternatively a taxi from the airport to Denarau is approx. FJD$50 one way. 

Where are the pre-conference training rooms located?

The training takes place at the Sheraton Hotel and is located in the following rooms.

Navua = Cruise, Luxury & Product

Sigatoka = Fare & Ticketing

 Rewa = Business Development

There will also be an option to register for the conference from 7.45am onwards outside the training rooms.